A student teacher observed that the practical component of teacher training - practice teaching - was a challenging and stressful element of the course. She didn't seem to appreciate the experience. The experience of this student teacher describes her own thoughts about practice teaching. This anecdotal reference positions the research issue as both relevant and productive in the context of existing research on teacher preparation in South Africa. Teachers who enter the workforce for the first time after finishing their studies face a slew of challenges. Student teachers who complete our existing teacher education programs are not always prepared to join the classroom. These issues are connected to their practice teaching experiences, as evidenced by the researcher's own professional interactions with student teachers. During their practice teaching, some student instructors appear to be unprepared for the real world. Tang (2003) discovered that the quality of student teachers' outdoor learning experiences was a prominent concern in his research. Converting theoretical knowledge into practice will always be difficult - learning to teach is a difficult task (Solomon, Worthy & Carter as cited in Farrell, 2002). Many scholars have written on the'shock of reality,' which refers to the difficulties of transitioning from theoretical training and academic knowledge to practical teaching work (Johnston, Rastoy, Holdaway & Friesen as cited in Bertone, Meard, Euzet, Ria & Durand, 2003). According to research conducted in 1999 by the United States Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics, just one in every five instructors feels adequately equipped to work in a modern classroom (Thomas & Loadman, 2001:195). In support of this conclusion, French academics debated the limitations of practical experience (Charlie & Durand as cited in Bertone et aI., 2003). Borlo and Mayfield (as cited in Bertone et al., 2003) discovered that practical experience can be extremely beneficial in learning how to teach. curriculum, including various outputs and inputs related to teacher quality such as professional development experiences, adequate planning periods, and adequate content preparation of teachers with regard to content knowledge associated with the curriculum taught (Huntley, 1998; Knudson, 1937; Leung, 2006; Palmer, 1991; Southern Region Education Board, 1998). Other researchers have investigated the link between teacher quality and teacher retention (Ingersoll, 2000; National Center for Education Statistics, 1996), and national organizations have established minimum content preparation standards to improve teaching and learning (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium [ITASC], 2008; National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Educators [NCATE], 2007; National Middle School Association [NMSA], 2008). This study investigates parameters associated with teacher quality inputs (i.e., coursework, grade point average, and teacher test scores). According to Okorie (1986), education is a portion of life that is consciously managed and experiences are produced according to a conscious design. According to Emereole (2000), it is generally organized in accordance with individual and social requirements, and it is the most effective tool for change in any community. As a result, the level of education supplied in any community, as well as the type of the change effected by that education, are both dependent on the quality of instructors and the efficiency of their teachings in schools (Awotua-Efebo, 1999). According to Kizlik (2007), education is a cooperative dynamic and life-long process through which a community intentionally develops knowledge, skills, values, and other forms of behavior for its survival and sustenance, and passes them from one generation to the next. According to Asuru (2000), it is important to emphasize that individual nations throughout the world provide education for their populations for a variety of reasons. According to Adagba (2005), the reasons include the many ways in which these countries feel they can serve their inhabitants as individuals and their country as a whole. Akpomi (2010) also stated that, in order to achieve their philosophy of education, the Government of Nigeria established an implementation committee for the National Policy of Education in 1983, fully aware that the importance of teaching practice and internship in teaching education cannot be overstated, the committee therefore recommends: Those methods of training teachers need to be rationalized, so that they reflect the Nation's, Education philosophy. The approach of on-the-job training should be used to train a large number of untrained primary school teachers. The selection and training of a lead instructor who will give personal teaching to teachers and trainees while also effectively supervising them.
Teacher-training schools in Nigeria have been chastised for failing to develop instructors who are sufficiently grounded in pedagogy and material, as well as the capacity to interact professionally in the work. For example, educationists have observed that the transition from academic theories in universities to classroom practice is frequently abrupt, implying that student teachers are not always properly prepared to put current pedagogy and interactive skills that have been theoretically learned into practice. In contrast, the National Policy on Education (FGN 1981, amended 1998, and 2004:40) specifies that "teachers will be exposed to advances in their field on a regular basis." Many educational institutions' teaching practice exercises have become rife with complaints of drudgery among staff and students, resulting in irritation on both sides. Imogie (1998) In light of the aforementioned reasons, as well as the necessity for teachers to confront new difficulties in education at both the national and global levels, the Faculty of Education of a Nigerian institution redesigned the Teaching Practice exercise in accordance with its Teaching Practice viewpoint. The faculty recently adopted the "Students Teaching Practice Log Book": Training teachers entails more than simply providing them with the information and skills required for effective instruction. We are aware that what happens in the classroom is intimately tied to what happens outside. The professional development of teachers and their relationships with their colleagues, whether as supportive communities working together to achieve common goals and continuous improvement or as individuals, have a significant impact on the quality of teaching. In experience of the foregoing, the researcher is motivated to explore the teaching practice experiences of Home Economics students and teachers in Nigeria.
The main objective of this study is to ascertain teaching practice experience of Home Economics students teachers, but to aid the successful completion of the study, the researcher intends to achieve the following specific objectives;
1. To investigate relationship between problem faced by student teacher during teaching practices and their performance.
2. To investigate relationship between classroom management challenges facing student-teachers and their performance.
3. To investigate relationship between the challenges faced by student-teachers form their supervisors and their performance.
To aid the successful completion of the study, the researcher the researcher therefore formulates the following hypotheses;
H0: There is no significant relationship between problem faced by student teacher during teaching practices and their performance
H1: There is a significant relationship between problem faced by student teacher during teaching practices and their performance
H02: There is no significant relationship between classroom management challenges facing student-teachers and their performance
H2: There is a significant relationship between classroom management challenges facing student-teachers and their performance
H03: There is no significant relationship between the challenges faced by student-teachers form their supervisors and their performance.
H3: There is a significant relationship between the challenges faced by student-teachers form their supervisors and their performance
It is believed that at the completion of the study, the findings will be of great importance to the federal ministry of education, who are saddle with the responsibility of formulating and implementation of educational policy formulated by her or the House committee on education of the higher and lower chamber of the legislators, the study will also be of great importance to faculty of education in respective higher institutions in the country as the findings will proffer way out of the dwindling teaching practice program. The study will also be useful to researchers who intends to embark on a research in a similar topic as the study will serve as a spring board for further study
The scope of the study covers teaching practice experience of Home Economics students teachers. But in the cause of the study, there were some factors which militate against the scope of the study;
a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities.
Teaching practice
Teaching practice is a key influence on student learning - a desired outcome and primary goal of higher educational institutions.
Student teacher
A student teacher, pupil-teacher or prac teacher is a college, university or graduate student who is teaching under the supervision of a certified teacher in order to qualify for a degree in education
Teaching: the act of giving out instruction for the purpose of imparting knowledge from one person to another or a group of people.
Learning: learning means to gain knowledge of skill by study.
Teaching practice: teaching practice is the training for teaching or any education work are engaged in a specified period of time on graduation under a supervisor or supervisor guiding, directing and assessing trainee teacher.
Student teacher: This is a student still undergoing teachers' education, which is being sent out to school as part of his or her training in the college.
Supervisor: Supervisor is described as college or university lecturer (trained teacher) who is responsible for coordinating the student teachers while teaching and monitor the students during teaching practice.
Cooperating Teacher: cooperating teacher guide the students teacher while on the teaching practices
School management: control the affaire of school both students and teacher
This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows
Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study. Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature. Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study. Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding. Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study
Background of the Study:
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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